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Kirkwood Library homepage

"Mother" LibGuide

A master LibGuide containing links for almost all other libguide content.

Linking to Ebooks

You can link an ebook in EBSCOhost directly into your website, Powerpoint presentation, email, or Talon.

Linking to an entire book:

  • Click on the "Permalink" link along the right side of the book's detailed record screen then copy and paste the URL.


Linking to a chapter or a page of an ebook:

  • Go to the first page of the chapter or section you want to link to.

  • Click the Permalink button along the right side of the page (the icon of chain links)

  • Copy and paste the URL to share.

Linking to Articles, eBooks or Videos in Library Databases

Directions for linking to Library resources within Talon

To place a direct link to a database article, ebook, chapter, or video into Talon (or any other website, PowerPoint, etc.), you must use the persistent URL or "permalink" to that article, which each database will provide you with. This permalink can then be copy and pasted just like any other link. Do not copy and paste from the browser's address box. If you have any trouble finding the permalink for an article, see the examples below for several of our most used databases, or contact the Library for help.

  1. In your Talon course content, select the "Upload/Create" button, then "Create a Link".

  2. Find the persistent URL for the resource you want to link to, or create a stable link by adding Kirkwood's prefix to the link. Please see directions for specific databases below.

  3. Copy and paste.

  4. Test your link!

How to find the persistent URL, or Create a stable link by adding Kirkwood's prefix

To point your students directly to an article, e-book or e-book chapter, or video in a database, always look for the persistent URL or "permalink" provided by the database. Do not copy and paste from your browser's address box (with exceptions noted below). Listed below are directions of linking articles from major databases.

Linking to articles and eBooks (databases alphabetical)

DSM-5 Manual and Psychiatry Online journals:
  1. From the page for the book or article you want to link to, copy the URL in the browser address window, 

  2. Paste it where you want the link to appear in your Talon course content. 

  3. Then copy and paste the off-campus prefix ( right in front of it. Make sure there are no spaces between the two URL strings. See the example to the right.

The yellow is the off-campus prefix, the blue is the URL from the browser window.

EBSCOhost databases (Academic Search Elite et al.):

On the page for the full article, look for “Permalink” on the right of your screen. Copy and paste the URL that appears in the pop-up widow.

Gale databases (Academic OneFile, Opposing Viewpoints):

Click on the "Get Link" icon at the top right corner of the screen, then copy and paste the URL that appears there. No off-campus prefix needed. 

  1. On the page for the article or book you want to link to, look on the left side of the page for a URL that begins:

  2. Copy and paste this link,

  3. Then copy and paste the off-campus prefix ( in front of it. See the example to the right.

The yellow is the off-campus prefix, the blue is the URL from the browser window.


Project MUSE eBooks:
  1. From the page for the book, or once you've clicked on the specific book chapter you want to link to, copy the URL in the browser address window,

  2. Paste it where you want the link to appear in your Talon course content.

  3. Then copy and paste the off-campus prefix ( directly in front of it. Make sure there are no spaces between the two URL strings. See the example to the right.

The yellow is the off-campus prefix, the blue is the URL from the browser window.

ProQuest databases (Psycarticles et al.):

Click "Details" below the article title, then look for "Document URL" at the bottom of your screen. Copy and paste the URL that appears there.




Streaming video:


Kanopy Streaming Video:

To link:

  • Click the "Share" button below the video play screen.
  • Copy and paste the Share Link URL that shows up just below. This link works as-is, no need to add the off-campus prefix.

To embed in Talon:

  • On Kanopy, click the "Share" button, then locate the embed code. Highlight and copy this code.
  • In Talon, click "Upload/Create", then "Create a File". Enter a title.
  • Click the "Insert Stuff" icon (the one that looks like a little play button)
  • Click "Enter Embed Code", then paste in the code you copied from Kanopy.
  • Click "next", "insert", then Save & Close. 
Symptom Media Films:
  1. From the page for video, copy the URL in the browser address window,

  2. Paste it where you want the link to appear in your Talon course content.

  3. Then copy and paste the off-campus prefix ( directly in front of it. Make sure there are no spaces between the two URL strings. See the example to the right.

The yellow is the off-campus prefix, the blue is the URL from the browser window.


For additional troubleshooting help, ask a librarian or check our FAQ: "I'm having trouble connecting to an article, streaming video, or database. Is the service down, or is it just me?"

Embed Codes for Course Content Widgets

This method of embedding widgets into your Talon courses has you copy and paste the embed code for the widgets you want to use into a Talon module or submodule description, or into a Talon file.

1. On Talon, create a module or sub-module where you want a widget to show up. In order for the widget to show up on the Course Content page (and not require students to follow a link to see it) only one widget per module or sub-module may be embedded. Or, use the "Upload/Create" function then select "Create a File". In a file you can put all the embed codes in one file.

2. For embedding in a module or sub-module, click below the title of the module, on "Add a description..." Now click on the "Insert stuff" button that looks like this: 

and click on "Enter Embed Code." Copy and paste the embed code from this page that you want to appear right under the title of the module.

3. For embedding in a Talon file, click the "Insert stuff" button, then click "Enter Embed Code". Copy and paste the embed code from this page that you want to appear in the file. 

Available Widgets

Please note: You can create a widget from any box or page of content anywhere within the Library's LibGuides pages. Just email Kate Cameron or Ryan Strempke-Durgin in the Library and let us know what box you want embedded in your Talon, and we'll send you the embed code. 

Small preview:

Embed code:

Ask a Librarian: live chat widget with basic contact information

Screenshot of contact box

<iframe width="100%" height="300" scrolling="yes"
style="border: 1px solid #bbb; border-radius: 4px;
" src="//


Find Library Resources widget: list  with links to our most used databases, with tabbed access to research help page and journals by title search

Screenshot of Find Library Resources info box

height="500" scrolling="yes"
style="border: 1px solid #bbb; border-radius: 4px;"

Research Help from Librarians: gives detailed information about the ways librarians can help students. Includes direct links to chat and consultation appointments, plus links to common help guides.

Screenshot of research help info box

<iframe title="Content Box frame" id="s-lg-widget-frame-
1725554799759" width="100%" height="800" scrolling=
"yes" style="border: 1px solid #bbb; border-radius: 4px;"

Custom Homepage Widgets in Talon

To embed homepage widgets in your course, you must use the “Custom Home Page” option in Talon, which gives you access to many widgets, only a few of which are related to Library resources:

  1. If you don't already use the Custom Home Page option for your course(s), follow the directions in the Talon Instructor Training course in Talon, Module 3: Course Homepage and Widgets, and see both “Customizing your Homepage” and “System and Custom Widgets.” You must repeat this process for each course where you want to use homepage widgets.
  2. As of this writing, there are 5 widgets for Library resources:
    1. “Library Contact,” which adds an “Ask a Librarian” live chat box, along with contact phone numbers and emails for Cedar Rapids Campus Library.
    2.  “Library Search,” which adds the WorldCat search box, just as it appears on the Library Homepage.
    3. Two different versions of links to Library subscription databases: “A to Z List” (alphabetical list of all databases) and “Library Databases” (a link to the list of all databases plus direct links to the 7 most popular databases).
    4. “Library Guides,” a box with links to our most used LibGuides pages, as well as a link to the LibGuides search page.

Library Plagiarism Tutorial in Talon

Library Services has created a Talon-based tutorial for faculty to use in your own courses. It is a tutorial on plagiarism, that includes interactive videos, text-based instruction, and short quizzes to check understanding. If you have any questions about this tutorial, or need any help copying it into your own Talon courses, please contact librarian Kate Cameron.


  1. First, request access to the Talon course “Library Tutorials” by sending an email to librarian Kate Cameron.
  2. Once you have access, the Library Tutorials course will show up in your list of Talon courses, and you may preview the plagiarism tutorial content. To copy content in your own course, continue with the following steps:
  3. From your own course where you want to assign a Library Tutorial module, go to “Course Admin.”
  4. Click on “Import/Export/Copy Components.”
  5. Select “copy components from another course/org unit” and click “search for offering.”
  6. Search for “library tutorials”, then select course and click “add selected.”
  7. Click the button “Select Components.”
    On this page you’ll select:
    • “Content” and “Select individual items to copy”
    • External Learning Tools
    • Question Library
    • Quizzes
    • Surveys

Then “Continue."

  1. Select “Plagiarism”, then “continue.”
  2. Click “Finish.”

Please note: Because you have made a copy of the content and put it in your course, you are now free to edit or delete any portions of each tutorial, customizing to the needs of your students. Also, we may occasionally make updates to the tutorial, and will email you a notification in that case.

Options for bringing Library content into Talon

There are several different types of content that can be linked to or embedded into Talon, each with its own method. Check the table below to find the type of content you want to embed, then follow the link to the corresponding directions for how to do it. **Please note, if you have content you would like to embed but don't see here, please contact us!

Content to embed or link to Method to follow
"Ask a Librarian" widget

Custom homepage OR

Embed code

Library Search (WorldCat Discovery search) Custom homepage
Library Guides (Links to the 3 most used LibGuides, plus a link to a list of all guides Custom homepage
Find Library Resources (widget with most common Library pages and resources, like a mini Library homepage embedded in your course content page) Embed code
Library Resources for ___________ (A list of the best Library databases for the subject of your choice) Embed code
Plagiarism Tutorial Copy components in Talon
Link to a single article, ebook, ebook chapter, or streaming video (Find out more about Library video here.) Create a link
Your choice of specific pages and databases to share Create a module in Talon


Videos & Films for Classroom or Talon Use

To search for available videos & films:

  1. WorldCat: Search for DVDs and streaming video in the Library Catalog. Enter a specific title or a subject in the WorldCat search, then use the "video" limit to view available DVDs and streaming videos from our subscription film databases. 
  2. Video databases: You can also search for streaming video directly in the Kanopy database. Although videos in this database ideally show up in a WorldCat search, occasionally some do not.
  3. Panopto: Many Library DVDs are available online in Kirkwood's Panopto. Some things to know about this collection:
    1. Panopto sits within Talon. First-time users must add the tool to a Talon course to create an account. Complete directions are in the Talon Instructor Training. If you have already used Panopto, you can skip this step. 
    2. The Library's collection of Panopto videos may be browsed or searched within Panopto. To add a Panopto video, locate the video you want by searching within the Library Panopto folder, then get the "Share" link for that video and add to your Talon course as a link. There is a great how-to video in Panopto with step-by-step instructions. 
    3. If the Library owns a DVD and you don't find it in the Library's Panopto folder, send an email to and request that we add it to Panopto. 
  4. Request a video purchase: The Library can often purchase a DVD to add to Panopto for streaming. Just fill out the form and we will get right back to you.

To add a video from Kanopy into Talon:

  • Locate the video you want to insert into Talon by searching the  Library Catalog (WorldCat) or by searching Kanopy directly.
  • From Kanopy, copy the link to the video by using the "Share" button. Paste it into the URL in your Talon Course Content where you want it to appear.


Course Reserves

Kirkwood Library provides a course reserves service to faculty. Please fill out the form below to place items on reserve for your students, typically for in-library use and a 4-hour time limit.

Contact us for questions and comments:

              Cedar Rapids Campus Library                                                                
              Phone: 319-398-5696                                   


Library Course Reserve Policy

The Library has a course reserve collection at the circulation desk. It provides a way for faculty to share items students may need for their course work. Please review the following information about course reserves before submitting the Library Reserve Submission form:

Materials added to reserve:
  • Please allow two business days for processing of items submitted for course reserve, before they will be available for student checkout.
  • The Library does not purchase textbooks to add to reserve for student checkout. Any copies of textbooks must be provided by the instructor.
  • The Library can add almost any kind of physical materials to course reserves. Examples include: books, journals, photocopied articles, special technology or equipment (such as digital cameras or a rock collection), and books already owned by the Library. Putting a Library book on reserve limits students to 4 hour checkout rather than the usual semester-long checkout.
  • The Library cannot place interlibrary loan materials on reserve.
Checkout periods for course reserves
  • Most reserve materials may be checked out for up to four hours, and must be used in the Library. If you would like a longer checkout period, please describe in the form.

Faculty Research Consultation

Faculty, remember that librarian research help is not just for students. Contact the reference desk with your research needs: 

  • E-mail:
  • Phone: 319-398-5697
  • Toll-free 866-452-8504
  • Chat: "Ask a Librarian" on this page

Placing holds & Campus mail delivery

The Library has a wealth of information resources available to our users through our Library Search (WorldCat Discover) and information databases.

You can also search for books and DVDs held by the library and have those items delivered to your campus mail box. 

The "Place Hold" function in the Library Search will place a hold on items that are already checked out, or will request delivery from Kirkwood library to any Kirkwood center. See detailed instructions below.

In addition, the Interlibrary Loan (ILL) service delivers books from libraries around the country to the Kirkwood library for student or employee checkout. See links and directions below.

Purchase Request

If the Library doesn't already own or subscribe to the materials you or your students need, please fill out a Purchase Request form, or request the materials through Interlibrary Loan

Purchase Request Form

LibGuides: Personalized Course Library Resources Page

The page you're looking at right now was created using software called "LibGuides". It features flexible layout, easy updating, and reusable components. The content can also be embedded directly into your Talon courses. If you'd like a page with resources especially for your students, contact a librarian and we'll collaborate with you on locating the best resources for your particular assignments and in designing a page that fits your students' needs.

Examples of some customized pages for Kirkwood classes:

Global Perspectives in Interior Design

Agricultural Science

The page we create for your class can feature:

  • Direct links to library resources such as the book catalog or any of the subscription databases
  • Direct links to other online resources you want to direct your students to
  • Pages or boxes from any of the library LibGuides pages, embedded directly into your page so your students know the resources are instructor-approved. For example, we could put a tab on your page called "MLA Style" that will include videos on MLA Citation as well as printable guides.
  • Links that won't "go bad." Because they link directly into the library's pages, if we update a link to a database, the link on your page will automatically update as well
  • Your LibGuides page can be embedded directly into many types of course sites, including Talon.

Contact a librarian for more details, or to get started on your own LibGuide.

One on One Help: Reference Service

Kirkwood Library Services provides excellent and professional reference service to students, faculty, and staff in a number of different ways:

Instruction Request

Kirkwood librarians can support student learning in a number of different ways:

  • A presentation or activity for your class on a specific topic. To name just a few possible topics: citing sources; searching library databases; searching Google effectively; critical evaluation of information; or quick analysis to scan for misleading, false, or "fake news". We are happy to collaborate with faculty on creating an effective activity or assignment to help students gain specific research skills relevant to your course. Read about even more ideas in a recent blog post!
  • A set of online resources, activities, and/or tutorials designed and curated especially for your class needs.
  • One-on-one research consultations with you or your students, using our online reservation form.
  • Direct support in creating effective research assignments. Read more about this in a recent blog post

Please request library instruction by using the online form below, or by calling the library reference desk. We ask that you submit your request at least a week ahead to ensure your librarian has time to prepare:

Welcome Faculty!

The Library offers so many resources and services to our faculty, we need several pages just to show you! Here is a preview of the kinds of information and services you will find described on these pages!

Library Catalog, Databases, and Book Collection

Information resources for research

Kirkwood Library Services has over 40,000 books, close to 200,000 eBooks, and thousands of academic magazines and journals available to students, faculty, and staff, both on and off campus. The library's homepage is the starting point for all information searches.

You may also request delivery of books and other physical materials with the Library search (WorldCat Discovery), located on the Library's homepage,

Information resources for faculty use

Library Services also subscribes to content especially for faculty use, with journal articles and eBooks focused on supporting educational planning, curriculum, online teaching, and many more topics especially relevant to educators.

Information Literacy

At the heart of the library's work and mission is the support of information literacy learning and teaching for our students and faculty. To learn more about information literacy, and for resources to support information literacy learning, see our Information Literacy guide, linked below:

Research Instruction Playlists

We have preselected collections of readings, guides and tutorials on a selection of research topics for easy inclusion in your Talon courses. Select from the topics below, or suggest a topic you'd like to see in an upcoming playlist.

Playlist 1: Savvy students can efficiently evaluate information sources



Videos & Tutorials: 

Follow the hyperlinked title of each to preview, or use the "URL for embedding" to embed in Talon as an LTI External Resource link. See Faculty Libguide for instructions on embedding an LTI link.

  • Tutorial: Evaluating Information  -- Simple tutorial introducing basic concepts around what to examine when evaluating a resource. Frames questions as Who, What, When, Why, How?
    URL for embedding in Talon:
  • Tutorial: Evaluating Digital Sources Using Lateral Reading  -- Provides step by step directions on the lateral reading method of quickly determining the likely reliability of a given article or website. Includes example and walks the student through evaluating their own sample site.
    URL for embedding in Talon:
  • Check, Please! Starter Course (no login required): Excellent free resource for teachers: “we show you how to fact and source-check in five easy lessons, taking about 30 minutes apiece. The entire curriculum is two and a half to three hours and is suitable homework for the first few weeks of a course if assigned with other discipline-focused homework”.
  • FakeOut game (no login required): Interactive lesson that tests your ability to detect false or misleading information published as fact. 

Playlist 2: Effective database search skills

Tutorials (in Credo Instruct):

  • Tutorial: Search Techniques, Part 1: How to choose keywords, use a thesaurus to identify keywords. Know when to use natural language searching and how to use Boolean operators.
  • Tutorial: Search Techniques, Part 2: Learn these techniques: full-text searching, field searching, subject searching, truncation and wildcard searching, limiting your search.
  • Tutorial: Choosing & Using Keywords: Addresses some basic questions: Why is identifying keywords important when doing research? How can you determine key concepts from a research question or topic statement? How do you know what are the best keywords to use for your topic?
  • Video: Refining Search Results: Learn techniques of getting to the best results more quickly by refining.

Videos on searching specific Kirkwood databases:

  • Academic Search Elite: Provides a basic introduction to benefits of using library subscription databases in your research. Demonstrates keyword searching in EBSCOhost database, Academic Search Elite.
  • WorldCat for research assignments: Learn the basics of searching WorldCat and using limits and filters to get at the best resources for your research project.
  • How to Speak Google: Although it works very differently from library subscription databases, it's often helpful to juxtapose Google searching against database searching to bring self-awareness to habits of searching and evaluating. 

What playlist would you like to see here next? Let us know!

Instructional resources to embed in Talon

There are many helpful guides, videos, and tutorials already available for embedding into Talon or otherwise sharing with your students. Find them here:

Faculty Welcome Event: Fall 2023

Join us in the Library, Tuesday September 5th

The Library is hosting a Faculty Welcome Event to welcome all new, new-to-campus, and returning faculty to the Library, and invite you to learn more about our resources and services. Stop by any time to chat with a librarian to see how we can better support your course and your students. We will have:

  • Tours on the hour from 9am to 6pm
  • Coffee and tea on hand
  • Librarians available to show you around or talk about your research assignments
  • Off-campus faculty: We want to talk with you too! Email Kate Cameron ( to get a Zoom link for a virtual library tour.

Author fees waived to publish in Oxford journals

Kirkwood is a member of a consortium of Iowa colleges and universities that allows our faculty, staff, and students to publish in an open access or hybrid Oxford University Press (OUP) journal with zero author fees to pay. This is part of OUP's efforts to support equitable access to reading research through bolstering open access publishing models. Here are the details:

  1. Kirkwood authors would go through the usual process of submitting work for inclusion in an OUP journal. See individual journal websites for details on this process.
  2. Eligible journals must be open access or hybrid. Download the complete list of allowed journals here
  3. Right now, the contract with OUP is for 2024-26. It may or may not be extended beyond these dates.
  4. Eligible article types are limited to: a research article, review article, case report or brief report. Articles published in a Supplement are not eligible for these funds. 
  5. Individuals affiliated with Kirkwood may request funding by following these step-by-step directions. You won't be able to request funding until your article has been peer-reviewed and accepted for publication. 

Any questions about this program may be directed to Kate Cameron at the Library.

Oxford University Press Open Access Agreement

Kirkwood's Library, as a member of a consortium of college and university libraries in Iowa, has partnered with Oxford University Press (OUP) to "support equitable access to reading and publishing research in Oxford journals". This partnership supports access to 375 OUP journals for all our Kirkwood community, with articles dating back to 1996 and all the way up to the most recent issues. To access these journals, see the Oxford entry in our A-Z Databases page

For more information on this partnership, see the OUP Open Access Agreement for Iowa. 

Quick Links: All Request Forms

Cedar Rapids Campus Library

Benton Hall

6301 Kirkwood Blvd SW, Cedar Rapids, IA


If you need disability-related accommodations in order to use the Library, our website, or our resources, please contact the library at or 319-398-5697.