As a condition of using the Test Center, you must agree to our rules.
No single list of rules can cover every conceivable circumstance. As a condition of using the Test Center, you agree to follow all rules listed here, as well as any instructions given to you by the Test Center staff. Third-party exam sponsor policies shall supersede these rules if a conflict exists.
- Conduct. You are expected to behave civilly and respectfully at all times while using the Test Center. We reserve the right to refuse service if you are exhibiting abusive behavior towards staff or other test takers.
- Academic integrity. We follow Kirkwood Community College's Academic Integrity procedure. You are responsible for learning about and being aware of activities that constitute violations of this procedure. Suspected misconduct will be reported to your instructor or exam sponsor.
- Identification. A valid photo ID is required for admission to all exams. Acceptable forms of ID include a Kirkwood Community College ID card, a current driver license or state ID, military ID, or passport. All IDs must be original documents; photographs, scans, and emails of IDs are not accepted.
- Personal items. No personal items are allowed in the test room, including backpacks, briefcases, purses, bags, wallets, large jewelry items, and keys. There must be nothing in your pockets when you enter the test room. We have lockers available free of charge for you to secure your belongings. You are encouraged not to bring valuables, large amounts of cash, or anything you would be uncomfortable leaving in a locker to the Test Center. We assume no responsibility for your personal items.
- Weapons. Weapons of any kind are not allowed in the Test Center, regardless of whether you are licensed to carry the weapon or not, per College policy. Our lockers may not be used to store weapons.
- Personal electronic devices. Mobile phones and electronic devices, including smart watches and other wearable technology, are not permitted in the test room. Possession or use of an unauthorized electronic device after entering the test room will be reported as misconduct.
- Hats. Hats and other headgear are not permitted in the test room. Hats have been found to hide electronic devices and interfere with proctoring. Head coverings worn for a religious, medical, or cultural purpose are permitted.
- Outerwear. Heavy coats and jackets, parkas, rain coats, gloves, scarves, and sunglasses are not permitted in the test room. Light clothing items such as suit jackets, sweaters, and sweatshirts are permitted after a visual inspection. If you remove items of clothing for comfort during your exam, you must hang the item on the back of your chair, not place them in your lap or on the workstation desktop.
- Food and drink. Food and drink, including candy and gum, are not permitted in the test room. Test takers with approved accommodations are exempt from this rule.
- Seating. We reserve the right to assign seating in the test room and to move you to another seat during an exam if necessary. Every reasonable effort will be made to minimize disruption to the test room.
- Approved materials and test aids. Only materials that have been approved by an instructor or exam sponsor may be used during an exam. Calculators which connect to the internet or have a separate alphabetical keyboard in any format are not permitted. We have a limited supply of calculators available. We reserve the right to inspect any materials or test aids.
- Scratch paper. You must use the scratch paper supplied by the Test Center. Scratch paper must be turned in at the end of an exam, whether you used the paper or not. You must turn in used scratch paper before being provided additional pages.
- Restroom breaks. You are expected to take your exam in one sitting, and are encouraged to use the restroom prior to checking in. Any restroom breaks taken during an exam will count against your exam's allotted time. You must obtain permission from a staff member before taking a break and before accessing personal items during a break. You may not leave the building during a break. Repeated or lengthy departures from the test room may be reported as misconduct. For everyone's safety, we may end an exam session if you become ill or experience a medical emergency in the test room.
- Monitoring. All activity in the Test Center is monitored by audio and video recording equipment. All Test Center computers have desktop monitoring software installed. Recordings and screenshots may be used as evidence when investigating possible acts of misconduct.
- Talking. The only talking allowed in the test room must be directed to the Test Center staff, and must be at a volume low enough not to disturb other test takers. Talking with other test takers in the test room will be reported as misconduct.
- Finished exams. You must leave the test room promptly upon completing your exam or the expiration of your allotted time. Computer-delivered exams are programmed to terminate when the allotted time expires. For paper-delivered exams, you are responsible for monitoring your own time and handing your exam in on time. Every test room has a clock on the wall.
- Appointments and walk-ins. Appointments are not optional. You must make an appointment in order to test. In the event the Test Center is fully booked, we staff may draw up a wait list with test takers admitted on a first-come, first-served basis.
- Guests. Persons not taking exams are not allowed in the test room, nor may congregate or loiter in the check-in area or by the test room windows and doors.
- Minors. Children under 17 years of age may not be left unattended on campus, including the Test Center, per College policy 500.7. Test Center staff are not permitted to look after unattended children, as this would place an unacceptable liability on the College.
- Operating hours. Operating hours are posted at every Test Center location, and on the Test Center website. Staff are expected to maintain regular and predictable operating hours by opening and closing the Test Center at the posted times every day.
- Closing time. All testing ends promptly at closing time every day. It is your responsibility to arrive early enough to have your full allotted testing time. Any allotted time remaining when the Test Center closes is forfeited, unless prior arrangements have been made with the Test Center to remain open late.
- Role of the Test Center. We are not a liaison or an arbiter between you and your instructor or exam sponsor, nor are we involved in scoring exams. Any questions about an exam's instructions, availability, content, or scoring must be directed to the instructor or exam sponsor.