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Kirkwood Test Center: Faculty FAQ

Kirkwood Test Center aims to provide the highest quality testing services by maintaining secure facilities, skilled and courteous employees, and positive working relationships with students, faculty, and the public.

General FAQ

What should I tell my student about using the Test Center?

  1. They must make an appointment.
    1. Note: This is a different step from you submitting an exam to the Test Center. Once your exam submission is approved, your student will need to make an appointment.
  2. They must have a valid photo ID.
  3. They must know their course number and section, their professor's name, and the name of the exam they want to take.

As the students' most immediate point of contact, your importance in ensuring they come to the Test Center prepared cannot be overstated. Thank you for helping your students have a positive and successful experience testing with us.

What does my student need to know about Test Center expectations?

Please direct your students to the Test Center website, especially our Testing Procedures. There, they can get more information about our rules, identification procedure, prohibited items, and test room etiquette.

Can my student take an exam without an appointment?

No. Appointments are not optional. In your communications with your students, please ensure that this is not misrepresented. Appointments are not optional.

My student ran out of time on their exam in class. Can they just walk down to the Test Center with their exam and finish there?

No. All exams administered in the Test Center require (1) a professor submission and (2) a student appointment.

Can I drop off an exam to the Test Center?

No. The Test Center uses RegisterBlast to manage exam requests from faculty. Students cannot make an appointment to take your exam unless you submit it to RegisterBlast. If you have questions, please refer to our RegisterBlast resource or contact the Test Center. We are happy to walk you through the process.

How do I get my paper exams back?

When you submit your exam request in RegisterBlast, you have 3 options for return of paper exams:

  1. Send via Campus Mail. Campus Mail is sent every afternoon. Please allow 3 business days for delivery.
  2. Hold for pickup. Your exams will be kept in a locked filing cabinet. We will ask for you to sign for all papers you collect.
  3. Scan into RegisterBlast. A PDF of your exam will be uploaded to your RegisterBlast professor module. We will keep the papers for 12 months.

Can I enable Respondus lockdown browser or monitor on my exams?

We prefer that Respondus is disabled for exams given in the Test Center. Our computers do not have webcams, which can complicate the testing with Respondus monitor. Our computers do have desktop monitoring software and our proctors observe all activity on Test Center computers.

What happens if you catch my student cheating?

We have a defined process for dealing with academic integrity violations:

  1. Witness. If a staff member observes a test taker engaging in inappropriate testing behavior, they will ask at least one fellow staff member to witness the behavior and confirm a suspected violation is taking place.
  2. Document. If the staff members concur that an academic integrity violation is taking place, they will document the incident, including any available evidence (e.g., screenshots, camera footage), and will compile an incident report.
  3. Notify. The staff member will submit the incident report in Maxient and provide the instructor with a copy.

Please note that the Test Center staff will generally not intervene in a test taker's exam session, or inform the student that an incident report has been submitted about them. The instructor is responsible for reviewing the report and evidence and taking whatever action they deem appropriate.

Who keeps track of time?

Computer exams should have an allotted time set, so that the exam ends when the allotted time expires.

Students taking paper exams are responsible for monitoring their own testing time and handing in their exams before their time expires. Test Center staff record the start and stop times on all paper exams.

I got a notification that a student I don't recognize has registered for my exam. How does this happen?

It is likely the student was trying to register for a different exam and registered for yours by mistake. Any student can register for any exam. This is why it is important to have your roster complete and up to date. Our process includes checking appointments in advance to verify students are on the professor's approved roster. If we notice a discrepancy, we will email you to confirm.

All my submissions from last semester are gone. Where did they go? Can I get them back?

The Test Center archives submissions shortly after grades are posted each semester, after which they are no longer visible in the professor module. If you have questions about or need to access previous semesters' submissions, please contact the Test Center.

Accommodations FAQ

Does Read&Write work on Talon exams with Respondus LockDown Browser?

Read&Write works on Talon exams with Respondus LockDown Browser if the student uses a Windows PC with the latest version of Read&Write installed. Learning Commons and the Accommodations Access Advocate will work with students to determine if they have what they need. If not, alternative proctoring options are available through the Test Center.

My online student has an individual test room accommodation. How does this work if they don't come to campus?

The student is responsible for ensuring they have a conducive testing environment at home. If the student needs to come to campus for a conducive testing environment, they will need to talk to their Accommodations Access Advocate about using the Test Center.

What do I do if my student has extended time for an online exam, proctored or not?

You will need to set up the extended time in Talon, or whichever LMS is delivering your exam. The student will log in and sit their exam in the same way as students without accommodations.