RegisterBlast uses SSO (single sign-on) via Talon. No separate user credentials are required. To access your RegisterBlast professor module:
The two main tools in your RegisterBlast professor dashboard are Submissions and History.
To create a new exam request, click the "+" sign in the upper-right corner of the Submissions page.
All fields in the submission form are required. If you do not have a password yet, enter "TBD" in the password field and we will make a note of it. You can edit the submission to add or change certain details later.
All exam requests are reviewed by the Test Center staff and must be approved prior to going live in the system. Please allow one (1) business day for your exam request to be reviewed.
You will be notified by email if your exam request is approved or if we require additional information.
Please choose a specific name that will allow your students to identify easily the exam. "Gilded Age Unit Exam" is preferable to "Exam." Your first initial and last name will automatically be appended to the name of your exam.
Please avoid creating multiple submissions with the exact same name, as this is confusing to students and makes it difficult for them to register for the correct exam.
Always choose Submissions awaiting approval. There may be additional groups available to select in the drop-down menu, but choosing Submissions awaiting approval will ensure your exam request enters the review queue and will avoid unnecessary delays in approving your request.
Please keep in mind our turnaround time of one business day for approving exam requests. If your exam is computer-delivered, ensure that the Start date and End date in RegisterBlast match the dates in the LMS. You can always modify the start and end dates later, e.g., if you want to give students an extension on the exam.
Enter the standard allotted time without accommodations, even if the exam is for a student with an extra time accommodation. RegisterBlast will automatically apply the extended time to the student's appointment when they register.
The file upload is used for:
There is a size limit of 15MB per file. If you have a larger file, please contact the Test Center and we can share a secure folder with you to upload your file(s).
The Test Center staff is trained to follow your instructions exactly as written. Please double-check your requests before submitting to ensure your instructions are correct and complete.
Please enter the course prefix and number as it appears in the Course Catalog, e.g., HST-101.
Please enter the course section as it appears in the Course Catalog, e.g., CRF01. Separate multiple sections with commas.
Choose between Computer-delivered and Paper-delivered.
In order to strike a balance between individual preferences and a uniformly secure testing experience, we have drawn up a list of customizable, pre-approved testing materials. If you wish to allow materials outside this list, please include them in the "Special Requests" box at the bottom of the form.
Please provide the names (first and last) and k-numbers of the students who will take the exam in the Test Center. Separate students with commas, e.g., Sample Student k01234567, Potential Pupil k02345678, Likely Learner k03456789
Please include any special requests here. The Test Center will work with you to honor all reasonable special requests. Please be advised that there may be a delay in your exam request being approved while we work on any special requests. Thank you for your understanding.