Help video on Library eBooks: How to find and use eBooks in your research on the library's YouTube channel.
Kirkwood students, faculty, and staff have access to over 150,000 eBook titles through EBSCOhost's eBooks and Project MUSE.
You can:
This function will do two things:
If the book is checked out to another user, the "Place Hold" will have the library save the book for you when it is returned.
If the book is not checked out, the "Place Hold" will have the library pull it from the shelf and send it through campus mail to the campus or center you request.
Follow the directions below to place a hold on a library item.
Books: 1 semester, or until recalled by another user
Reserve items: Materials placed on reserve by faculty may be used in the library, for up to 4 hours
Magazines and journals: Issues may be checked out for 7 days.
Graphing calculators: 1 semester. You will be asked to fill out the graphing calculator agreement form when you check one out.
Laptops: Laptops may be checked out for up to 48 hours, with only one checkout per week. This is to allow all students access to this important resource. Subject to availability. Please fill out laptop agreement.
Hotspots: A limited number of hotspots are available for semester-long checkout to current Kirkwood students. Contact the library to find out if any are available, or to get on the wait list.
Before checking out a hotspot, you will need to complete a Hotspot Checkout Agreement Form.
Reference and Special Collections: for use in library only.
Technology items
Miscellaneous other resources
Cedar Rapids Campus Library |
If you need disability-related accommodations in order to use the Library, our website, or our resources, please contact the library at or 319-398-5697. |