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Video: How to find and use library eBooks in your research

EBSCOhost eBooks Basics

Searching for eBooks at the Library

Kirkwood students, faculty, and staff have access to over 150,000 eBook titles through EBSCOhost's eBooks and Project MUSE.

You can:

  • Access these in-depth and high quality resources from a computer or mobile device
  • Load them onto eReaders
  • Print sections.
  • Copy and paste a citation in MLA or APA style
  • Search the Library's eBook collection through the main Library search (WorldCat).

Library Search (WorldCat) directions:


  1. Go to the WorldCat search or the Library homepage. You may search by keyword, subject, author, or title. After entering your search, hit enter, then select the "eBook" format limit (along the left side of the screen) to view only eBook results.
  2. Click the "View Online" button just below the book title to view a description of the book.
  3. Continue with step 3 of the EBSCOhost eBooks directions below.

EBSCOhost eBooks directions:

  1. Go to the EBSCOhost eBooks search. You may search for eBooks by keyword, author or title.
  2. Click on the title you want to view to get to the detailed record view.
  3. Click on the "eBook Full Text" link on the left side of the screen [see screenshot below] to view the complete book.
  4. From this screen you have many options. You can [A] browse the Table of Contents; [B] scroll through the book page by page or skip to a specific page number; [C] search the full text of the book for a specific word;  [D] save or print a section of the book by selecting "Save Pages"; or [E] view an APA or MLA style citation for the book. See the next section of this guide for more details on printing or downloading eBooks.

Request Delivery or Place Hold on Books & Videos

Students and employees at any Kirkwood location can use the "Place Hold" function in our library search.

This function will do two things:

  1. If the book is checked out to another user, the "Place Hold" will have the library save the book for you when it is returned. 

  2. If the book is not checked out, the "Place Hold" will have the library pull it from the shelf and send it through campus mail to the campus or center you request.

Follow the directions below to place a hold on a library item.

For Students

Checkout periods for students

Books: 1 semester, or until recalled by another user

Reserve items: Materials placed on reserve by faculty may be used in the library, for up to 4 hours

Magazines and journals: Issues may be checked out for 7 days.

Graphing calculators: 1 semester. You will be asked to fill out the graphing calculator agreement form when you check one out.

Laptops: Laptops may be checked out for up to 48 hours, with only one checkout per week. This is to allow all students access to this important resource. Subject to availability. Please fill out laptop agreement.

Hotspots: A limited number of hotspots are available for semester-long checkout to current Kirkwood students. Contact the library to find out if any are available, or to get on the wait list. 

Before checking out a hotspot, you will need to complete a Hotspot Checkout Agreement Form.

Reference and Special Collections: for use in library only.

Other items available for use in the Library 

Technology items 

  • Headphones 
  • USB flash drives
  • Phone chargers (as available)

Miscellaneous other resources

  • Dry erase markers
  • Staplers & 3-hole punch
  • Paper cutter
  • Photo copier & printers
  • Study rooms are available on the 2nd floor of the library for small group or individual study. Non-reserved rooms may be used on a first-come, first-served basis. A room can be reserved in advance.

Renewing Materials

  • To renew library materials, contact us or renew online via My Library Account. 

Request delivery or place a hold

  • Request library materials to be delivered to your campus or center by locating the item in the online catalog and clicking "Place Hold". Directions on the Center Delivery page.
  • Request library materials that are checked out to another user be placed on hold by following the same directions on the Center Delivery page. Your request will prevent the current borrower from renewing the item, and you will be notified when the item is ready for pickup.

Fines & Stops

  • The Library no longer charges late fines for most items. However materials must still be returned promptly, and students will be charged for the replacement cost of unreturned items.
  • The Library may send courtesy reminder(s) of overdue materials to your student email. It remains the responsibility of the borrower, however, to return materials promptly.​ 
  • Failure to return materials will result in blocked class registration, graduation and receipt of transcripts. 

Cedar Rapids Campus Library

Benton Hall

6301 Kirkwood Blvd SW, Cedar Rapids, IA


If you need disability-related accommodations in order to use the Library, our website, or our resources, please contact the library at or 319-398-5697.