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Faculty Services

This page lists a variety of library services for faculty, such as instruction requests, purchase requests, and individual consultations.

Options for bringing Library content into Talon

There are several different types of content that can be linked to or embedded into Talon, each with its own method. Check the table below to find the type of content you want to embed, then follow the link to the corresponding directions for how to do it. **Please note, if you have content you would like to embed but don't see here, please contact us!

Content to embed or link to Method to follow
"Ask a Librarian" widget

Custom homepage OR

Embed code

Library Search (WorldCat Discovery search) Custom homepage
Library Guides (Links to the 3 most used LibGuides, plus a link to a list of all guides Custom homepage
Find Library Resources (widget with most common Library pages and resources, like a mini Library homepage embedded in your course content page) Embed code
Library Resources for ___________ (A list of the best Library databases for the subject of your choice) Embed code
Plagiarism Tutorial Copy components in Talon
Link to a single article, ebook, ebook chapter, or streaming video (Find out more about Library video here.) Create a link
Your choice of specific pages and databases to share Create a module in Talon


Library Plagiarism Tutorial in Talon

Library Services has created a Talon-based tutorial for faculty to use in your own courses. It is a tutorial on plagiarism, that includes interactive videos, text-based instruction, and short quizzes to check understanding. If you have any questions about this tutorial, or need any help copying it into your own Talon courses, please contact librarian Kate Cameron.


  1. First, request access to the Talon course “Library Tutorials” by sending an email to librarian Kate Cameron.
  2. Once you have access, the Library Tutorials course will show up in your list of Talon courses, and you may preview the plagiarism tutorial content. To copy content in your own course, continue with the following steps:
  3. From your own course where you want to assign a Library Tutorial module, go to “Course Admin.”
  4. Click on “Import/Export/Copy Components.”
  5. Select “copy components from another course/org unit” and click “search for offering.”
  6. Search for “library tutorials”, then select course and click “add selected.”
  7. Click the button “Select Components.”
    On this page you’ll select:
    • “Content” and “Select individual items to copy”
    • External Learning Tools
    • Question Library
    • Quizzes
    • Surveys

Then “Continue."

  1. Select “Plagiarism”, then “continue.”
  2. Click “Finish.”

Please note: Because you have made a copy of the content and put it in your course, you are now free to edit or delete any portions of each tutorial, customizing to the needs of your students. Also, we may occasionally make updates to the tutorial, and will email you a notification in that case.

Linking to Articles, eBooks or Videos in Library Databases

Directions for linking to Library resources within Talon

To place a direct link to a database article, ebook, chapter, or video into Talon (or any other website, PowerPoint, etc.), you must use the persistent URL or "permalink" to that article, which each database will provide you with. This permalink can then be copy and pasted just like any other link. Do not copy and paste from the browser's address box. If you have any trouble finding the permalink for an article, see the examples below for several of our most used databases, or contact the Library for help.

  1. In your Talon course content, select the "Upload/Create" button, then "Create a Link".

  2. Find the persistent URL for the resource you want to link to, or create a stable link by adding Kirkwood's prefix to the link. Please see directions for specific databases below.

  3. Copy and paste.

  4. Test your link!

How to find the persistent URL, or Create a stable link by adding Kirkwood's prefix

To point your students directly to an article, e-book or e-book chapter, or video in a database, always look for the persistent URL or "permalink" provided by the database. Do not copy and paste from your browser's address box (with exceptions noted below). Listed below are directions of linking articles from major databases.

Linking to articles and eBooks (databases alphabetical)

DSM-5 Manual and Psychiatry Online journals:
  1. From the page for the book or article you want to link to, copy the URL in the browser address window, 

  2. Paste it where you want the link to appear in your Talon course content. 

  3. Then copy and paste the off-campus prefix ( right in front of it. Make sure there are no spaces between the two URL strings. See the example to the right.

The yellow is the off-campus prefix, the blue is the URL from the browser window.

EBSCOhost databases (Academic Search Elite et al.):

On the page for the full article, look for “Permalink” on the right of your screen. Copy and paste the URL that appears in the pop-up widow.

Gale databases (Academic OneFile, Opposing Viewpoints):

Click on the "Get Link" icon at the top right corner of the screen, then copy and paste the URL that appears there. No off-campus prefix needed. 

  1. On the page for the article or book you want to link to, look on the left side of the page for a URL that begins:

  2. Copy and paste this link,

  3. Then copy and paste the off-campus prefix ( in front of it. See the example to the right.

The yellow is the off-campus prefix, the blue is the URL from the browser window.


Project MUSE eBooks:
  1. From the page for the book, or once you've clicked on the specific book chapter you want to link to, copy the URL in the browser address window,

  2. Paste it where you want the link to appear in your Talon course content.

  3. Then copy and paste the off-campus prefix ( directly in front of it. Make sure there are no spaces between the two URL strings. See the example to the right.

The yellow is the off-campus prefix, the blue is the URL from the browser window.

ProQuest databases (Psycarticles et al.):

Click "Details" below the article title, then look for "Document URL" at the bottom of your screen. Copy and paste the URL that appears there.




Streaming video:


Kanopy Streaming Video:

To link:

  • Click the "Share" button below the video play screen.
  • Copy and paste the Share Link URL that shows up just below. This link works as-is, no need to add the off-campus prefix.

To embed in Talon:

  • On Kanopy, click the "Share" button, then locate the embed code. Highlight and copy this code.
  • In Talon, click "Upload/Create", then "Create a File". Enter a title.
  • Click the "Insert Stuff" icon (the one that looks like a little play button)
  • Click "Enter Embed Code", then paste in the code you copied from Kanopy.
  • Click "next", "insert", then Save & Close. 
Symptom Media Films:
  1. From the page for video, copy the URL in the browser address window,

  2. Paste it where you want the link to appear in your Talon course content.

  3. Then copy and paste the off-campus prefix ( directly in front of it. Make sure there are no spaces between the two URL strings. See the example to the right.

The yellow is the off-campus prefix, the blue is the URL from the browser window.


For additional troubleshooting help, ask a librarian or check our FAQ: "I'm having trouble connecting to an article, streaming video, or database. Is the service down, or is it just me?"

Embed Codes for Course Content Widgets

This method of embedding widgets into your Talon courses has you copy and paste the embed code for the widgets you want to use into a Talon module or submodule description, or into a Talon file.

1. On Talon, create a module or sub-module where you want a widget to show up. In order for the widget to show up on the Course Content page (and not require students to follow a link to see it) only one widget per module or sub-module may be embedded. Or, use the "Upload/Create" function then select "Create a File". In a file you can put all the embed codes in one file.

2. For embedding in a module or sub-module, click below the title of the module, on "Add a description..." Now click on the "Insert stuff" button that looks like this: 

and click on "Enter Embed Code." Copy and paste the embed code from this page that you want to appear right under the title of the module.

3. For embedding in a Talon file, click the "Insert stuff" button, then click "Enter Embed Code". Copy and paste the embed code from this page that you want to appear in the file. 

Available Widgets

Please note: You can create a widget from any box or page of content anywhere within the Library's LibGuides pages. Just email Kate Cameron or Ryan Strempke-Durgin in the Library and let us know what box you want embedded in your Talon, and we'll send you the embed code. 

Small preview:

Embed code:

Ask a Librarian: live chat widget with basic contact information

Screenshot of contact box

<iframe width="100%" height="300" scrolling="yes"
style="border: 1px solid #bbb; border-radius: 4px;
" src="//


Find Library Resources widget: list  with links to our most used databases, with tabbed access to research help page and journals by title search

Screenshot of Find Library Resources info box

height="500" scrolling="yes"
style="border: 1px solid #bbb; border-radius: 4px;"

Research Help from Librarians: gives detailed information about the ways librarians can help students. Includes direct links to chat and consultation appointments, plus links to common help guides.

Screenshot of research help info box

<iframe title="Content Box frame" id="s-lg-widget-frame-
1725554799759" width="100%" height="800" scrolling=
"yes" style="border: 1px solid #bbb; border-radius: 4px;"

Cedar Rapids Campus Library

Benton Hall

6301 Kirkwood Blvd SW, Cedar Rapids, IA


If you need disability-related accommodations in order to use the Library, our website, or our resources, please contact the library at or 319-398-5697.