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Women's Studies with Renee Schlueter

Library and online information resources for Women's Studies course at Kirkwood Community College

Online literature resources

Susan Faludi: Truthfulness

Susan Faludi, author of The Terror Dream, says that what happened to American culture after 9/11 was the result of a specious myth about weak, helpless women and strong, protective males ... and led us very far astray.

Women Authors in the News

Featured Author: Naomi Wolf

In the first half of the video, Naomi Wolf discusses Third Wave Feminism, then at 2:26 answers the question "Does feminism respect the hijab" (Muslim head scarf)?

Writings by Naomi Wolf

Books by Naomi Wolf: Kirkwood Library collection

Library databases: literature

Cedar Rapids Campus Library

Benton Hall

6301 Kirkwood Blvd SW, Cedar Rapids, IA


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