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Fundamentals of Communication: Library Resources

A quick introduction to Kirkwood Library resources for successfully completing your speeches requiring research.

Library Search, a.k.a. WorldCat

WorldCat is an all-in-one search for Library resources. It searches:

  • Books held in the Kirkwood Library
  • eBooks accessible online 
  • Articles published in magazines and academic (peer-reviewed) journals
  • Find WorldCat on the library's homepage, or anywhere you see the link "A-Z Databases"

Search tips:

  1. Use the limits for books, eBooks or articles, depending on what you're looking for
  2. There are a few databases (like Opposing Viewpoints) that are not searched through WorldCat.
  3. Most eBooks may be downloaded in PDF format for offline reading or printing. Others may only be read online.

How to search WorldCat

Watch this quick video to learn how to search WorldCat for information resources:

Try out WorldCat

Cedar Rapids Campus Library

Benton Hall

6301 Kirkwood Blvd SW, Cedar Rapids, IA


If you need disability-related accommodations in order to use the Library, our website, or our resources, please contact the library at or 319-398-5697.